Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparative analysis of elementary physical education instruction techniques Essay

Physical education in pedagogy needs to constantly evaluate learners physical movement   with the aim of understanding their optimum capability, suiting instructional adaptation, to provide individual assessment summary in a view to measure performance improvement response with time, and finally to ensure the goal of training success. Instructional strategies or techniques are an important arm of teaching for any school of thought where a particular skill is acquired. There is the need for the teacher to understand the basic concept of learning as a fundamental tool to come up with the best instructional techniques whose choice would promote the objective of the learning. Elementary physical education implicate physical exercise as school subject and include gymnastic, athletics, team sports, and other forms of physical exercise thought in school. The learning utilizes cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains in a play or movement exploration setting. An advocacy for students once argued that parents, teachers, and students must aim at removing inglorious practices form physical education by eliminating such involvements or techniques that can gravely pose threat to students’ morale. An example of these is the use of captain to select game team in football, the use of exercise as a mean to punish students. These practices can only be eliminated by applying a preferred instructional techniques right from the background. The aims should embrace effective guiding of learners to be self-independent and physically fit throughout their entire life. Analysis and Evaluation According to researchers â€Å"the implementation of exemplary behaviour modification and management techniques in any educational environment generally contribute to effective teaching, proactive learning and enhanced pupil motivation in whatever is the area of specialization (Beighle & Pangrazzi, 2002). An advantage of choosing excellent instructional techniques is to reduce the time spent on managing behavioural issues and increase the productive values from time allotment instructional techniques. (Downing, 1996; Kelly, 1986). There are researched two basics instructional practices used in elementary physical education. We have the reinforcement techniques and the punishment techniques. This paper shall further critically analyse and evaluate the characteristics of the two broad categories. Reinforcement instructional technique uses daily events of the physical activities and non-physical activities to to complement students in order to enhance skill improvement. Students are guided through a feedback control os assessment after daily events. Another aspect on reinforcement techniques entail setting up of a conditional system that monitors unacceptable skills and effect correction instantly without pointing out the good ones for encouragement. This second model is often applied when daily interaction approach to reinforcement fails. In situational reinforcement, teachers shower encomium to students found doing well in the practice in a direct or an indirect way. Conversely, a student who is yet to perform up to expectation given a deductive instruction to follow suit. For example, when a student is doing poorly instructor praises another student close-by who is doing fine or behaving appropriately. When a student is performing a task with minimal attention, the natural tendency for any instructor is to sharply raise an objection, instead, the instructor particularly praise students who are in line with the task. In a way the non participating students deduce what s most acceptable from what is not without having any sentimental memory in the later future for instructor’s selective dissatisfied focus on him. Another characteristics of situational reinforcement occurs when instructor systematically assume ignorance of behaviours or skills that has nothing to do with physical education study and student’s safety. Instructors try not to show anger or dissatisfaction when students demonstrate annoying behaviour.   In another round, when a student changes his or her ugly behavioural path for better, he receives incommensurable but sincere praise. This reinforces such good skill or act towards self perfection. Words like comparative praise insinuate history of student prior rejection and often bring a sense of insecurity of trust to the concerned student in the future endeavour. This may harm students’ morale in demonstrating what they have really learnt with openness. An example is the use of word like â€Å"now†.   It implies that instructor is upset with previous behaviour. There is avoidance of making reference to previous bad ways.   In order to reinforce this good skill, students doing the right things need several approvals to permanently register the right way into the mind for future use. Another characteristic of situational reinforcement is the teacher’s deliberate attempt at celebrating earning achievement per time. Each time when physical activities are going on, the students look forward to a memorable fun or celebration and perfect the task in order to qualify.   At such fun-event instructors openly explain why the class warrant that celebration. This is an unexpected event for students, the impression created last for several months. Furthermore, another instructional technique involve specific designation of task for students based on their preferred area of capabilities in as much as the same effect is recorded in the long run at improving their physical educational skills. When students with improved motor skill or fitness performance skill on a task finds it enjoyable, such students is allowed t have maximum time for the activity with privilege granted over others. This has the effect of stimulating or motivating class members to find their own specialization area and perform even harder on the task. This form of instructional technique ranks high in educational model.   It also brings a sense of special recognition in each student and there is an extension of respect for individuals’ differences. Everyone needs this to perform better in any task involving physical exercises. References J. F. Williams, Principles of Physical Education (8th ed. 1964); American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation; D. Van Dalen, A World History of Physical Education (2d ed. 1971).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Cult and cult leader Essay

Cult† is a term used to describe certain religious groups outside of the mainstream of Western religion. A cut leader is non-Christian but has roots in Christianity while denying what he considered its essential teaching or can be one who follows an altogether different religious structure, one foreign and alien to the prevalent religious communities . in the in the case of the latter cults represent a force of religious innovation within a culture. In most cases that innovation comes about by the transplantation of a religion from a different culture by the immigration of some of its members and leaders. Others described cults as groups which hypnotized or brainwashed recruits, destroyed their ability to make rational judgments and turned them into slaves of the group’s leader, as by the above definition Healter was cult leader since he practiced and allowed some of these practices which are associated with cult leaders ; Members swear total allegiance to an all-powerful leader who they believe to be the Messiah, rational thought is discouraged or forbidden, the cult’s recruitment techniques are often deceptive, the cult weakens the follower psychologically by making him or her depend upon the group to solve his or her problems, the cults manipulate guilt to their advantage, the cult leader makes all the career and life decision of the members, cults exist only for their own material survival and make false promises to work to improve society, cult members often work fulltime for the group for little or no pay, cults are apocalyptic and believe themselves to be the remn ant who will survive the soon-approaching end of the world. There are many things condick david crashed with the gorverment on appointment post also on issues facing religion. Reference: 1. Elmer Clark’s pioneering survey of the Small Sects in America (1949) . .

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Redcuding carbon emssion on UK properties Essay

Redcuding carbon emssion on UK properties - Essay Example â€Å"The significance of historic buildings clearly encompasses the architectural and aesthetic values†¦, associations with historic people and events, examples of technological innovations, aspects of social history and links with a building’s setting and other heritage assets.† (English Heritage 2011). Due to such crucial importance historic buildings are protected and also continuous refurbishments are made to it. However, at the same time, these historic buildings may not have sustainable designs and features. That is, these buildings because of their designs and other things could make negative Carbon imprint and thereby have environment damaging features. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is one of the key Greenhouse Gases, which has many negative effects on the environment and also human living. It is widely considered to be the main cause of global warming and other pollutions, thus forcing governments of many countries including the UK government to come up with restr iction on CO2 emissions. In the construction and property development industries, the contemporary ‘climate’ or trend is against using eco-damaging products, and go for environmentally friendly products and also sustainable designs. Due to that trend, the industry has maximally adjusted or adjusting to the demand of the people and the government agencies, by using of eco-friendly products in the construction of buildings and various other structures. Thus, the final constructed building will be â€Å"environmentally friendly† or â€Å"green† in the every sense of the word. This usage of environmentally friendly or eco-friendly products and features will not only provide positive benefits to the occupants, but also to various sections from neighbors to the whole community. However, as majority of the historic buildings do not feature these products and sustainable designs, and importantly as it is difficult to completely refurbish them with sustainable desi gns, views has emerged to bring down those environmentally problematic buildings, in order to cut down the CO2 emissions from it. Thus, this paper will first discuss about the targets and the related legislations formulated by the UK government to reduce Carbon emissions. Then, although if a historic building cannot meet government targets of reduction in carbon emission, and importantly even if it finds difficult to carry out the needed sustainable refurbishments, it should not be replaced due to certain limitations, instead certain effective strategies can be followed to refurbish in line with government legislations and regulations. Carbon dioxide is emitted in various industrial sectors from energy, mechanical to the construction industries, etc, etc., and by various objects including automobiles, various electrical and electronic appliances, etc. The commonly known fact is humans normally exhale carbon dioxide, and so if there build up of it in the human body, it can kill that person. So, the maximum carbon emission and the resultant exposure of it on humans, as well as natural environment to it, are leading to grave problems. Due to high CO2 emissions, human health is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Music of Josquin des Prez Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Music of Josquin des Prez - Research Paper Example that he did not compose what his patron wished – he composed when and what he wanted and that the reason as to why he frequently changed his jobs was that compared to his counterparts, he demanded a higher pay. Josquin was mostly celebrated for his motets and chansons and was very particular about his songs – if anyone tried to alter them, he became very furious. His contemporaries admired his composing skill greatly. These included Cosimo Bartoli a Florentine mid-century composer who asserted that Josquin’s standing was equivalent to Michelangelo’s stature in sculpture, as well as Martin Luther who confessed that the mastery that Josquin had was so great that it defied comparison with the endeavors of his counterparts. Additionally, Heinrich Glarean, a theorist and humanist from Switzerland, in his judgment of Josquin, confessed that Josquin’s skill was utterly versatile, so endowed with a natural vigor and acumen that he was able to do anything pertaining music. Glarean adds that this polyphonist’s songs gracefully and fluently expressed the moods of the heart matchlessly (Knighton & Fallows 15). In their commentary on Josquin’s artistic and historical position in music development, Davison and Apel compares him with Raphael, his contemporary in painting history (225). Another writer by the name Charles Joseph gives a commentary on Josquin’s inventiveness arguing that what has made his music to be so popular is its intriguing compositional logic. Josquin expertly integrates the simplest motivic cells into great melodic compositions of architectural perfection. Consequently, composition and analysis teachers have always advocated that their students examine his works thoroughly (Judd 299). Another person who praises Josquin is Henricus Glareanus. While analyzing his melodic structure and modal mixture, Glareanus pays tribute to Josquin praising this prince of the perfect art for his handling of the modes producing profound pathos, sonorous beauty

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Compare and contrast the roles of memory and remembering in Arendt and Essay

Compare and contrast the roles of memory and remembering in Arendt and Nietzsche - Essay Example Her position towards the unsettled nature of power grounded on the commemorations suggests the requirement to be careful in mining her thoughts for potential property to adduce to the philosophical problem of the foundations. However, considering the memory as a vigorous capacity, as per the analysis of Arendt where it indicates that we should, advocates that we might prolifically view rationalization in comparable terms. To begin with, Arendt’s description of the link between the reminiscence of a collective chronological narrative and action bears an affinity that is descriptively intriguing to Nietzsche’s story of the course that moral and norm values take after their first creation. Both highlights that the original act is creatively essential, and frame this aptitude to form as one of the vital humanity capacities. They deviate, of course, in their evaluation of the impact that the remembrance of the resourceful act has on the later generations: Nietzsche observes the seamless morality naturalization as one of the main obstacles to moving beyond the prevailing norms whereas Arendt views memory as the political power gatekeeper. In considering the philosophical foundations problem, however, it is their parallel appreciation of the value of creation and action that matters. This means that the foundational normative claims authority comes, not from their essential correctness, but slightly from the actuality that in understanding that the origin of those claims lies in a human ability to bring forth new beginnings, the memory of those claims might encourage future action and more political freedom active exercise. If, following Arendt, theorists accept a justification of initial normative claims grounded in the ability of the claimant to advance a unique set of claims, it would be wise to borrow other aspects of Arendt’s theory of authority and foundation, as well. Chiefly, her belief that action, freedom, and politics itself require pub licity also applies to the advance of initial normative claims. The same emphasis on the plurality that is necessary for political life allows Arendt to redirect her revolution study away from violence. In addition, it claims instead that the defining feature of successful revolution is â€Å"the interconnected principle of mutual promise and common deliberation.† A process of public justification applied to normative claims, complemented by the memory of the initial discovery of that claim, would meet two needs. First, it would fulfill a requirement implicit in the search for more solid foundations: the requirement that we be able to enact a theory upon that foundation that carries weight in a practical context. Second, and crucially when taking a contextual view of political norms, by subjecting foundational claims to the scrutiny that the memory of their active creation yields, we encourage theorists to dynamically maintain coherence between their foundational claims and t he world they seek to describe and affect. The theoretical limitation on foundational claims that accompanies this view of justification introduces a much higher level of fallibilism and contingency than the old met narratives allowed. Foundational claims supported through an ongoing process of justification relinquish any claim to objective truth or universal applicability. Thus, the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Accounting for companies Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounting for companies - Term Paper Example The fair value method or the cost method is used in cases where the company’s ownership is 20% and below. In this method, the company has no significant influence on the operation and control of the subsidiary and will record the investment at cost. Here, the company will record the investment on the balance sheet at cost and will not be concerned with the valuation of the specific assets and liabilities. The dividends that are earned from the investment will be credited in the income statement of the holding company while losses will be debited to recognize and account for the impact (FASB, 2007). Since the company has no rights on dividends on the investment unless declared, it will not record any dividends on the balance sheet of the company. In cases where the investment is in the form of marketable securities, the accounts will be adjusted to reflect the fair value at the end of each financial year (FASB, 2007). Equity securities that are not tradable are classified as av ailable for sale in the balance sheet. Despite the lack of control on the purchased investment, many companies enter into such investment in order to earn lucrative dividends. This income could be then invested in other projects to enhance the value of the holding company. At the same time, a company might venture in such investment in order to earn capital gain from the increasing share prices. The second method, equity method, is applied in the case where the investing company buys between 20% and 50% control on the subsidiary (IASB, 2011). This proportion is considered significant in influencing the operation of the subsidiary in as much as it is not sufficient in having exclusive control. The holding company will account for the investment as an associate. The purchasing company will record the investment at cost in the balance sheet i.e. the original purchase cost is used. This

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Internet is unreliable source of information Essay

The Internet is unreliable source of information - Essay Example be manipulated and altered depending on someone’s point of view, lies can be made to discredit others or improve someone’s credibility, and consumers can get sucked into buying something that they don’t fully understand. The reason why we cannot believe everything that is on the Internet is because some information can be changed to suit someone’s biased opinion. For example, the site is an unreliable source of information because anyone can go onto the website and change the information anytime that he or she wants. If such a website is considered as a reliable source to get information from, then we will be led astray. It is difficult to believe anything that comes from that website even if the information is common sense. One group that may take advantage of this situation is hackers. As we know, these people hack websites for several reasons, and only one of the reasons is for changing information on a website. Other motives could be due to money, for revenge, or personal attacks. This is a huge danger that affects the credibility of websites as source of reliable information. Another reason why the internet cannot be trusted is that there are many lies online. You cannot even imagine how many lies are posted every day. This does not just affecting website credibility; it also gives that website a bad reputation, which means that the site is marked â€Å"x†. Why do people post lies on the Internet? This is a good question that cannot be fully answered. Some examples of this are people lying on dating websites in order to find a better partner and businesses lying to grab people’s attention. For dating websites, people do not post bad pictures of themselves because they want to make sure that their profiles are perfect. When someone looks at the profile and sees what a person wrote about him or herself, the reader may say: â€Å"that is the type of person who I have been looking to find for a long time.† What makes me laugh is that

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Exploring General Types of Research Design and Approaches Essay

Exploring General Types of Research Design and Approaches - Essay Example Hence, the concern for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is rising. Businesses are concentrating towards the progress of a sense of CSR as well as focusing on their basic values to promote their products and sustain their consumers (Enquist, Johnson and Skalen, 2005). Despite the extensive development of the CSR concept, there is an ongoing debate since long that the basic goal of a business is to maximize the profit for its stakeholders while the promotion of CSR increases stockholder’s investment (Friedman, 1962). Nevertheless, numerous past studies have established that CSR really augments the businesses’ financial performance in the long run. The topic has a lot of scope of research and development since the association between the CSR and the firm’s financial performance has been very controversial and had been argued by many scholars, for instance Pava and Krausz (1996) related CSR to company’s performance while Ullmann (1985) does not relate the se two together. Since any of the company’s actions some how or the other influences its performance thus it can be said that the performance of a company does depend over its CSR actions. Primary Research Question The primary research question formulated for the above mentioned research problem is: How does the financial performance of a business relates to it CSR activities? Secondary Research Question In order to investigate the above mentioned primary research question, I have formulated the following secondary research questions that will be helpful for a quantitative investigation of the study. How CSR activities of a business influence the perceptions of its customers for its brand? How the identified customer perceptions influence the business’s performance? Methodology I intend to use a quantitative research method, which basically focuses on the facts and practicalities of the subject under consideration. The basic objective of selecting this design approach is the nature of this study that leads towards the evaluation or quantification of the company’s performance on the basis of its customers’ perceptions about the brand that is, in turn, influenced by its CSR activities. It is necessary to acquire the on-ground knowledge of businesses’ performances and their strategies so as to determine the impact of Corporate Social Responsibility over the financial performance of a business. Keeping in view the objective of the study, I thought it to be the best to acquire the data related to the CSR and the turn-over of various businesses and then assess the collected information to reach to the conclusion of the study. The post-positivistic principle is the philosophical research approach that underpins this investigation. The post-positivistic research philosophy will help us to find out the Do s and Don’ts of a business. This approach is dependent over different philosophies such like social contract theory, virtue ethics, post modernism and Habermasian critical theory. I intend to adopt the post positivistic philosophical design in this study since it will provide the contextual dimension of reality to the investigation that will lead us to challenge and re-invent scientific theories through empirical research. I will

Friday, August 23, 2019

Perceptions of Childhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Perceptions of Childhood - Essay Example The unique criteria of modern early years education gives the impression of being built powerfully on insights and practices honed from the legacy of the Montessori system. Toward the end of the 19th century Maria Montessori built on the work of Jean-Marc Gaspard Itard and Edouard Seguine to develop just such an individualized child-centered approach to education (Kramer, R. 1988:60). Maria created a program for young children in the slums of Rome which became known as the Montessori Method. The incisive outlook that Dr. Montessori brought to early childhood education was her conviction that the education of each child must start from inside the inimitable little person, and that the child must be left free to learn for itself by selecting and using resources with the least amount of adult intrusion for as long as the child is absorbed in the work at hand (Kramer, R. 1988:113). Montessori transformed the role of the educator from a simple trainer to an engaged and attentive guide of children's independent development through the promotion of autonomous activities appropriate to the requirements of each child in the secure setting of the classroom. The rudiments of the Montessori Method and variations of Montessori resources are employed broadly today in early childhood programs world-wide (Kramer, R. 1988:16). Montessori passed on enduring insight into and deep appreciation for the natural aptitude latent in every small person when cultivated judiciously. Public schooling in the wake of the Industrial Revolution centered on passive models for children's learning: the school as a factory and the child as a blank slate. Children were the raw material to be formed forthwith into productive citizens (Lillard, A.S. 2005:7). In the Italy of Maria Montessori's era the family and its social status was the primary determinant of a child's education and profession. The prospects for a young girl of that era were even more firmly determined by convention. A married woman, as wife and mother, was expected first and foremost to be the underlying nucleus in the Italian family (Gutek, G.L.2004:2). Maria's childhood experience in a local primary school adhered to the established practice of a teacher feeding information to the children through dictation, with the child repeating back material learned by rote memory. Italian primary schools generally included all the subjects, reading, writing, arithmetic, history and geography, in a single book. Generally, the educator required the child to stand at attention and correctly repeat responses tediously committed to memory from the text (Gutek, G.L.2004:3). In spite of Italy's 19th-century gender norms, at the age of thirteen in 1883, Maria Montessori opted to study engineering in a state technical school, though by 1890 she had decided to leave engineering to go into medicine (Kramer, R. 1988:34). Through quite resolute persistence she secured admission to the University of Rome as a student of physics, mathematics, and the natural sciences, and passed her final examination with an outstanding grade of eight out of ten points which made her academically eligible to study to be a